To monitor the cost per conversion and conversion rate for each landing page in Google Ads campaigns, identify poorly performing landing pages, and replace them with higher-performing alternatives to improve overall campaign performance.
Key Steps:
- Log in to Google Ads and navigate to Insights and Reports > Landing Pages.
- Select the campaign to review landing pages for.
- Look for landing pages with costs per conversion 1.5 times higher than the average or conversion rates two-thirds lower than the average.
- Identify poorly performing landing pages and locate where they are used (e.g., site links, ad groups).
- Replace poorly performing landing pages with higher-performing alternatives relevant to the content.
- Check assets and ads for the landing page URL and update to the new landing page if necessary.
- Record changes made in a spreadsheet or project management tool for tracking.
- Monitor the performance of updated assets and ads over the next 8 weeks.
- Ensure that the cost per conversion and conversion rate do not significantly worsen after changes. Revert if needed.
Cautionary Notes:
- Ensure to set the date range to 8 weeks for accurate data analysis.
- Be cautious when replacing landing pages to maintain relevance to the content.
- Double-check all assets and ads to ensure the correct landing page URL is used.
- Keep track of changes made for future reference and analysis.
Tips for Efficiency:
- Review landing pages every two weeks to stay updated on performance.
- Prioritize replacing landing pages with the homepage if it performs better.
- Use the “all enabled assets” filter to efficiently review and update assets.
- Regularly monitor the performance of updated assets to make timely adjustments if needed.
Posted in Google Ads, How-To's