Quick Google Ad tips
Only use network expansion if you care more about cheap clicks and impressions on your ads than conversions. This will put your ads in front of alot of people, most of whom don’t care about your product/service
Broad match keywords should be used sparingly, as it will cause your ads to be shown for searches you are not expecting. Phrase match is a much better way to filter the search terms you are showing up for. Learn More.
Your campaign started performing poorly all of a sudden? Go to change history to see what changes may have caused this problem
Use negative locations around any area you are targeting, this prevents google from showing your ads to people outside of your targeted areas
Use auto-apply recommendations to automatically optimize your campaigns. We recommend only using the 8 “maintain your ads” auto-applied
A lot of Google’s “help” revolves around your campaign spending more money, or spending it quicker. Same goes for their customer service reps.