Google Ads Bid Adjustment Calculator Optimization

To optimize Google Ads campaigns to maximize the number of conversions with the given budget using the bid adjustment calculator.


To optimize Google Ads campaigns to maximize the number of conversions with the given budget using the bid adjustment calculator.

Key Steps

  1. Request access to the Creekside Marketing bid adjustment calculator.
  2. Create a copy of the calculator for personal use.
  3. Perform bid adjustments every four weeks on the campaign/account level.
  4. Analyze conversion and cost per conversion data for each campaign in Google Ads.
  5. Input conversion numbers and cost per conversion for each campaign into the calculator.
  6. Input the current budget for each campaign into the calculator.
  7. Review the updated budget provided by the calculator to maximize conversions.
  8. Update the budget in Google Ads for each campaign based on the new recommendations.
  9. Use this calculator for campaigns focused solely on maximizing conversions without budget constraints or varying conversion values.

Cautionary Notes

  • Avoid making frequent adjustments as it may disrupt the campaign’s performance.
  • Do not use the calculator for campaigns with specific budget constraints or varying conversion values.
  • Be cautious of the bid strategy learning phase that may occur after adjustments.
  • Check the performance every four weeks but avoid overusing the bid adjustment calculator.

Tips for Efficiency

  • Utilize the bid adjustment calculator sparingly, especially once campaigns are performing well.
  • Avoid unnecessary adjustments if the campaign is already delivering satisfactory results.
  • Reach out to Creekside Marketing for access to the bid adjustment calculator or for any further questions or assistance.
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