Creating a Google Tag Manager Trigger for Email Button Click

To create a Google Tag Manager trigger for tracking when someone clicks on an email button on a website.


To create a Google Tag Manager trigger for tracking when someone clicks on an email button on a website.

Key Steps:

  1. Log in to your Google Tag Manager account.
  2. Click on “New” to create a new trigger.
  3. Select “Trigger Configuration” and then choose “Just Links”.
  4. Click on “Some Link Clicks”.
  5. Choose “Built-in Variables” and select “Click URL”.
  6. Type in “mailto:” and click “Save”.
  7. Name the trigger as “Mail to Click to Email Trigger” and click “Save”.

Cautionary Notes:

  • Make sure you are logged into the correct Google Tag Manager account.
  • Double-check the trigger configuration to ensure accuracy.
  • Test the trigger after setting it up to confirm it is working correctly.

Tips for Efficiency:

  • Watch a tutorial on setting up a Google Tag Manager account if you are unfamiliar with the platform.
  • Keep track of all triggers and their purposes for easy reference in the future.
  • Reach out to Creekside Marketing for troubleshooting assistance if needed.
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