Changing Negative Keywords to Exact Match for A-B Test

To review search terms in a smart campaign and add irrelevant keywords to a negative keywords list every two weeks to optimize advertising effectiveness.


To change all negative keywords to exact match in Google Ads Editor for an A-B test.

Key Steps:

  1. Download Google Ads Editor if not already installed.
  2. Open Google Ads Editor and select the campaign you want to work on.
  3. Navigate to the ad group level for fine-tuning the experiment by ad group.
  4. Select the specific ad group within the campaign.
  5. Go to “Keywords and Targeting” and then to “Keywords Negative”.
  6. Select the first negative keyword, hold shift, scroll to the bottom, and select the last one to choose all.
  7. Set the match type to “Broad” for all selected negative keywords.
  8. If there are errors due to duplicate keywords, edit the duplicate by making a slight modification (e.g., adding an ‘S’ at the end).
  9. Review and fix any errors, then click “Post” to apply the changes.
  10. After the changes are updated, click “Post” again to publish to the Google Ads account.

Cautionary Notes:

  • Be cautious when editing negative keywords to ensure they are still relevant and effective.
  • Double-check for errors or duplicates before posting the changes.
  • Monitor the search terms closely in the Google Ads campaign for the next two to four weeks after making the changes.

Tips for Efficiency:

  • Organize your negative keywords by ad group for better control and analysis.
  • Regularly review and update negative keywords based on performance data.
  • Utilize Google Ads Editor for bulk changes to save time and streamline the process.
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